Posts tagged ‘budget crafting’

August 17, 2011

Web Wednesday: Save Money Crafting on a Budget

Many people don’t realize it, but crafting can at times be costly. All the supplies you use begin to add up. The glue, trim, paint, and tools, can all begin not only to clutter up your home, but also clean out your bank account. Don’t worry there are ways to be more budget conscious when it comes to crafting. Below are some helpful tips that will lessen the strain on your spending.

Use found objects from your backyard

There are several resources to use as craft supplies, just in your backyard. Are you in need of pine cones, stones, sea shells, or sand? Well your in luck many of these natural resources are simply just a few steps away from you. Before you head out to craft store, just look outside first to see what supplies maybe right at your fingertips. Recruit your kids to help you look for craft supplies outside.

Reuse and Recycle

With the recent economy being in such turmoil the past few years, many people have begun to reuse and recycle many items. Why not do the same for crafting? Like most people, you probably clean out your closets, and gather up old clothes, nick-nacks, jewelry, and other things to donate. Well that’s great, but before you get rid of anything take a second look, and check to see if you can use any of these items in craft projects you plan on making. What else can be recycled for your crafts? Old magazines are perfect for scrapbooking. Old Christmas and birthday cards can be cut up to create new greeting cards, gift tags, or even special wrapping paper. Take a look at these old items with a new eye, and you’ll be surprised at what you can save.

Make A Shopping List

I am sure you have heard this one before, mainly mentioned when people go to the grocery store. Well the same can be said when going to craft store. If you plan before you go shopping, it will help you stick to your plan and be less tempted to get off your initial shopping list. Thus you will not make any impulse purchases, that could make you over spend on necessary items.


One of the best ways to save money on almost anything is to never pay retail. Always look for coupons, or shop when discounts are going on at your local craft store. Also don’t be afraid to shop online. There are huge savings you can get in on, online. There are several online discount codes and coupons. We here at Plaid offer several online promo codes and discounts. Click here to see what’s on sale now.

July 25, 2011

Not Your Typical Back-to-School Project

Chalkboard Medicine Cabinet

It’s that time of year when parents start their end-of-summer countdown. How many days until the kids are back in school and the house is quiet for a few hours during the day? The kids will never tell, but I bet any parent could tell you down to the minute.

If you’re excited about the kids going back to school, or you’re looking forward to going back yourself, why not get everyone back into the swing of things with this cute Chalkboard Medicine Cabinet? Infarrantly Creative gives you the step by step on how to give a standard medicine cabinet and cute, and budget-friendly make-over.

Once you’ve got this project complete, you now have the perfect place to leave yourself, or the kids, reminders so that you see them first thing in the morning. Perfect!