Posts tagged ‘craft organizing’

February 18, 2012

Scene it Saturday: Eco Friendly Ways to Organize your Crafts

As a crafter I have several craft supplies, that are not as organized as they could be. I am sure I am not alone in this. It’s ok if you are like me, and can use some help to organize all those supplies. Here is a great video to watch that will show you some eco friendly ways organize your crafts. These are simple ways to organize your craft room, or any room you use to craft in. Remember there is no time like the present to get your home, and your crafts in order.

January 6, 2012

Get Organized In The New Year: Ways to organize your crafts

Gather and Group similar items: Go around your house and gather all your fabrics, paintbrushes, paint bottles, embellishments, etc… This is the first step in getting organized. Once you are able to see all you have, then you can group these items together to determine what type of storage box can hold them.

Visit your local container/supply stores: Take sometime to explore these types of stores in your local area. Also don’t forget to check Target and Walmart, as they also carry great supply boxes. You can stores craft items in boxes, towers, tackle boxes, and totes

Label Everything: It might serve you well to invest in an electric labeler, if you don’t have one already. Use this to label your boxes, containers, or notebooks. This will allow you to find things a lot easier.

Upcycle Some Old Furniture: Take an old piece of furniture, or a great flea market find, and use it to create a stylish storage space. This extra storage space can come in handy when you are looking for additional space to store your craft supplies.

Pick A Place: Choose a place/room in your home to serve as your craft area. If you don’t have enough room, try converting your computer station or a mini vanity, into your craft center.

Below are some videos we found on YouTube that show some great ways to organize your crafts. Enjoy!