Archive for September 16th, 2011

September 16, 2011

The Winners of The Martha Stewart Prize Pack Are…

During the third week of our Month of Martha Giveaway, the prize up for grabs were two Martha Stewart prize packs filled with the following:

A bottle of gold or silver gilding

One pack of the mineral or the gemstone glitter transfer sheets

One pack of the metallic foil transfer sheets

A 3 color assortment of paint from the new paint line

This week’s winners are…


Nancy Woo & Judy Sharer

Thank you to everyone that entered. If you did not win this week, don’t fret. We have one more week filled with a great giveaway featuring products from the new Martha Stewart Craft Line. Be sure to check back here on Monday to find out when the next giveaway begins, and the products we will be giving away next.

September 16, 2011

Freelance Friday: Cool Rehabbed Chair with Mod Podge

Recycled and rehabbed projects are some of my favorite. I love to see someone take something that was once drab to fab. I came across this cool Mod Podge chair, that was made by Vivienne from the V Spot. I love this! This is such a unique and creative project. Vivienne patched up the damaged areas of the chair with spackle, then sanded, primed, and painted the edges. She used Mod Podge to cover the slats with a green, geometric print fabric. Click here to see more from the V Spot. Have you made any recycled or rehabbed projects lately?