Posts tagged ‘craft trends’

February 23, 2012

A Craft Trend of 2012: Polka Dots

As you already know the craft industry is very trend focused, and these trends change from year to year. Whether you craft as a hobby or for your business, it’s very important to stay up to date on what’s in. We here at Plaid want to keep you in the know. Here is another trend you need to know, Polka dots are back! Can you believe it? This classic print always has a way of resurfacing throughout the years.  This trend is popping everywhere from the runway to your craft room. Here is a little background on the polka dot. Polka dot is a pattern consisting of an array of filled circles, generally equally sized and spaced relatively closely in relation to their diameters. This pattern can be seen in several different colors and sizes. Below are just a few crafts with Polka Dots in them. Have you created a craft lately that includes Polka Dots?

Family Go


Crazy for Crafts

Country Living

February 22, 2012

A Craft Trend of 2012: The Chevron Pattern

Have you seen this pattern before? I don’t know about you, but I have been seeing this all over the place. I have seen in on several craft and interior sites, and just the other day I even saw it in Target. The name of this pattern is called, Chevron. The Chevron pattern is definitely one of the hot trends in crafting for 2012. Here is a little bit of information about the Chevron patter. It is an inverted V-shaped pattern. This pattern has been around for a long time. The chevron occurs in early art including designs on pottery and rock carvings. Early examples of this pattern can be traced all the way back to 1800 BC. I guess it’s true that trends always find a way to resurface. Below are some examples of the Chevron pattern used in crafts/DIY projects, as well as home decor. We here at Plaid have several projects in the works, that incorporate this pattern. Be on the lookout for those soon. Have you created any recent project using the Chevron pattern?

Brassy Apple


Parents Connect

Popper & Mimi

July 27, 2011

Web Wednesday: Crafty Nails

The beauty industry is getting very crafty. There are several new nail trends that are being inspired by longtime craft techniques. You probably are used to using a crackle finish to add an antique effect to a painting, or a piece of furniture. Or you are used to decoupaging a frame, plate, or tray. Well now believe it or not, you can take these same craft techniques, and infuse them on your nails. A few of the hottest trends with nail polishes today is the crackle effect, decoupaging, and tie dye. Many big beauty companies are backing this trend by rolling out entire lines inspired by craft techniques. Sally Hansen and OPI are leading the pack when it comes to this cool new nail trend. Have you, or would you try this trend? If so please leave a comment and let us know.