Archive for June 30th, 2010

June 30, 2010

Color Palette Generator

My co-worker was cool enough to tip me off on this color generator from BigHugeLabs, and I think you should know about it:

What is it and why would you want to use it? Well, it’s great for helping you pick paint colors! Let’s say that you see the following photo in a magazine, and you love the image – especially the project colors. Maybe the yellow in the card is the exact same as your bedroom wall . . . . (scroll down) . . .

Fresh Home, Spring 2010

and you want to paint a coordinating accessory to go into your room.  Let’s say you need help choosing colors.  To solve your problem, you take a trip to the color palette generator! You upload the photograph into the generator, the hamster runs its wheel and a palette like this results:

Is this cool or what??  You now have a printout that you can take to the store, assisting you in choosing your acrylic paint colors. If you are really hard core, it gives you the HTML color codes AND lets you download the palette into Photoshop.  Ingenious! Visit here for the link and give one of your photos a try.