Web Wednesday: Martha Stewart Halloween Tote Bags

It’s that time of year again. Time to begin or continue making more Halloween crafts. We here at Plaid are even more excited than usual about Halloween, due to the fact that we have a whole new line of paint to create with. The new Martha Stewart paint line, has given us so many new colors and supplies to try out. Check out these awesome Halloween tote bags we made using some of the new products from the Martha Stewart line. These bags are sure to be hit wherever you go. Whether trick or treating with your little one or enjoying a seasonal tote yourself, this jack-o-lantern tote is not only fun and easy to make, but will also help you celebrate the season! To find out how to make this craft project click here.

One Comment to “Web Wednesday: Martha Stewart Halloween Tote Bags”

  1. Perfect Trick or Treat Bags!

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